Long Island Radio & Television Historical Society

Preserving and celebrating the history of wireless communication, radio and TV on Long Island, NY.

Distant Sparks

Distant Sparks, a translation of the German word telefunken, is the name of the Society’s annual magazine. All current members receive a copy at the end of each year. Contents include articles, many written by our members, on all aspects of radio and television history.

Cover of a magazine featuring sample color covers of an early 1900s electrical magazine.
Hugo Gernsback and the Sayville Station.
Cover of a magazine featuring a photo of a radio tower.
Nauen: Telefunken Sayville’s Opposite Number.
Cover of a magazine featuring an image of the planet Mars.
Signal to Mars.
Cover of a magazine with a picture of two German scientists.
Stollwerk chocolate.
Cover of a magazine featuring photos of two German scientists.
Zenneck and Braun.
Cover of a magazine featuring a photo of a white office building.
Bainbridge Naval Training Station.